Save Our Capitol! Responds to California Third District Court of Appeal’s Decision

(Sacramento, CA) – Save Our Capitol! today released the following statement in response to the California Third District Court of Appeal’s decision from October 7, 2024:

Save Our Capitol! is deeply disappointed by the Third District Court of Appeal’s decision in Save Our Capitol! v. Department of General Services and the Joint Committee on Rules. By upholding the lower court’s ruling, California continues to prioritize political interests over public protection and existing law. The October 7 decision clears the path for the demolition of the historic and iconic West Steps without full consideration of alternative designs nor public input. The decision also allows the Legislature and Newsom Administration to continue bypassing critical California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements when building the new Annex, parking garage, and visitor center.”

“What is most alarming about this ruling is the dangerous precedent it sets. By changing or ignoring laws, including established environmental statutes and mandated public input whenever it suits their agenda, the Legislature is essentially governing without restraint. This unchecked power threatens the very principles of good governance and public trust, leaving the door open for even more drastic and arbitrary changes in the future.

“While we respect the Court’s decision, we remain concerned about long-term impacts on the historic value of the entire Capitol complex. Although the Court acknowledged the site’s significance, they are seemingly unaware of how the Project’s current path risks irreparable harm. Save Our Capitol! will continue to fight for protections that not only require the Legislature and Administration to adhere to existing laws, but that also ensure the Capitol’s legacy is preserved for future generations.”

About Save Our Capitol!

The purpose of Save our Capitol! is to preserve the site of the historic Capitol and its surrounding Park as the center and symbol of Californians’ right to truth, transparency, and trust in self-governance. Follow Save Our Capitol! on Twitter and act to #StopTheDemolition by visiting